Alodoctor Profile2017

Visit Website

“Alodoctor Profile” is a website for doctor’s archives, with the ability to book doctor appointments.

Alodoctor Profile Archive
Alodoctor Profile - Archive

Doctor Profile Page

Doctors will have a dedicated page by joining and completing the profile.

Alodoctor Profile Doctor Page
Alodoctor Profile - Doctor Page

Doctor Dashboard

Alodoctor Profile Doctor Dashboard
Alodoctor Profile - Doctor Dashboard
Alodoctor Profile Doctor Profile
Alodoctor Profile - Doctor Profile

Doctor Blog Post

Doctors can publish their articles on the site.

Alodoctor Profile Doctor Blog Post
Alodoctor Profile - Doctor Blog Post
Headshot of Parsa

Hi, I'm Parsa. I'm a software engineer based in Iran. You can follow me on X, see some of my work on GitHub, or read more about me on about page.