WP Telegram Pro2017

GitHub Repository

WP Telegram Pro, Integrate your WordPress site with Telegram

I stopped developing this plugin, please use a new version of the plugin called Teligro.

WP Telegram Pro
  • New comments, Recovery mode, Auto core update, Users login, Register a new user notification
  • Search in WordPress post types
  • Send post types manually or automatically to the Telegram channel
  • Display Telegram channel members count with shortcode
  • Connect WordPress profile to Telegram account
  • Two-Step Telegram bot Authentication
  • Connect to Telegram with Proxy

Integrated with other plugins

Teligro plugin Integrated with the most popular WordPress plugins

Integrate with E-Commerce plugins:

WooCommerce – Sale products on the Telegram bot. Send product to Telegram channels. New order, Order status change, Product low/no stock, new order note notification

Integrate with Form plugins:

Integrate with Newsletter plugins:

Integrate with Security plugins:

Integrate with Backup plugins:

Integrate with other plugins:


2.1 2020-04-12

  • Now non-administrator user can receive plugins notification
  • Add Tunnel Proxy
  • Control the display of posts buttons
  • Fixed some bugs

2.0.3 2020-01-26

  • Fixed plugin activate error

2.0.2 2020-01-23

  • Fixed error in the addons

2.0.1 2020-01-22

  • Fixed tags with space
  • Fixed create plugin DB table
  • Fixed duplicate plugin menu

2.0 2020-01-19

  • Two Step Telegram bot Authentication
  • Integrate with DoLogin Security plugin
  • Fixed error in PHP5.*


  • Integrate with some plugins
  • New WordPress and WooCommerce notification option
  • Fix WooCommerce “Exclude Categories” and “Exclude Display Categories” option
  • Fix the problem of encoding the text sent to the telegram


  • Add quick send to channel
  • Connect WordPress profile to Telegram account
  • WooCommerce new order and order status change notification
  • Fixed comment notification
  • Fixed problem displaying list of pattern tags.
  • Fixed warning with PHP V7.2.*


  • Fixed some bugs in PHP5.*


  • Add host info (IP/Location) to debugs page
  • Fixed some bugs

V 1.7

  • Add debugs page
  • Add helps page
  • Cleans post excerpt from tags and unused shortcodes

V 1.6

  • New option for display channels metabox base on user role
  • Add currency symbol to channel pattern tags, {currency-symbol}
  • Fixed some bugs

V 1.5

  • Inline button for channel message
  • Fixed some bugs

V 1.4

  • Delay time to send channels
  • Fixed some bugs

V 1.3

  • Add proxy settings

V 1.2

  • Compatible with RTL languages
  • Add custom field and terms to pattern tags: {cf:price}, {terms:taxonomy}
  • Add if statement to pattern tags: {if='cf:price'}Price: {cf:price}{/if}
  • Admin can force update telegram keyboard

V 1.1

  • Display Telegram channel members count with shortcode: [channel_members_wptp channel="channel username" formatting="1"]

V 1.0

  • Receive command from Telegram
  • Settings Page
  • WooCommerce product list (with pagination)
  • Product Details: Price, Weight, Dimensions, Attributes, Rating, Category, Variables.
  • Product Image Gallery
  • Customer can add product to cart
  • Display product variable and user can select
  • Posts archive
  • Category list
  • Search in post type
  • Comment notification
  • Send post types to channel
  • Gutenberg editor compatible
Headshot of Parsa

Hi, I'm Parsa. I'm a software engineer based in Iran. You can follow me on X, see some of my work on GitHub, or read more about me on about page.